Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Producer a Day ....

I visited a producer yesterday of whose existence I’ve been aware since almost the first day I started in the voice-over business, a bit over a year ago. His company is situated a scant dozen miles from me but we had never met. In addition to doing voice-over and production, he can duplicate CDs, which is what finally brought us together as I needed to duplicate and print my newish demo CDs and did not want to get an entire 100 this time. This producer, whom I will call Mr. R. to protect the innocent, has a beautiful studio amongst woods and rolling hills. His indoor environment exudes wicked feng shui – as soon as I walked in the door I felt relaxed, as if I could jolly well knit up the raveled sleeve of care without eight of the dreamless (oh dear, Shakespeare and P. G. Wodehouse in the same breath – there should be a law). We spent a very pleasant half hour chatting about the industry – he has been in the business for 20 years – and I left with a great feeling about Mr. R. He has created an intensely professional studio, complete with ISDN, in a serene setting where he can do exactly what he needs to do and then step out his door and take a walk in the woods. I paused by those woods as I drove away, just to listen – a solitary chickadee sang, but in about a week the songs of hermit thrushes and warblers will ring from those trees.

I love the voice-over business. My reasons for loving the voice-over business are many and are material for later blogs, but I do enjoy it tremendously. The downside of the biz, at least the way I do it, living in a beautiful region outside of a large metropolitan area, is that I can do everything from home and not see people. Not even people like Mr. R., who are so nearby. There are scads of producers within 2 miles of my home and I’ve only met a few of them. And that’s my bad.

Back in my days as a biologist I saw my immediate colleagues every day, got invited to give seminars at other colleges, universities and museums, and every year there were the annual meetings to look forward to. The opportunities in the business world are just as great; one just has to figure out where they are. That’s my new goal: to see people every week. To exchange energy. Wonder if therapists talk about this at their meetings these days – isolation-induced pyschosis in telecommuters.

Funny goal, huh? To see people. Simple. But important. Hold me to it, okay?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right, voice-over can be a solitary occupation. I attend training classes and seminars at least a few times a year just to ensure some contact with people outside my little circle.

Be well,

9:50 PM  

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