Friday, November 02, 2007

Hitting the Ground Running.

Those of you who read my blog already know that I have a hard time with routine as I’ve always felt it boxed me in. I’ve changed my thinking and now see routine as liberating, because it can give me a framework for accomplishing everything I need to do and more. So, I’ve been taking steps towards establishing a routine and it hasn’t been working that well for me – about a month ago I started running a couple of miles a day with my dog. This has brought obvious health benefits for both me and Major including more energy to get things done, but what hasn’t worked so well is that we do this after the kids have left for school so we can help them get out the door (Major helps by announcing that their ride has arrived). So then we go out for our run around 7:30, get back around 8, get cleaned up, eat, and start the day. So, the official starting time of the day ends up being around 9 am, which is a bit on the late side.

This morning I woke up shortly before 6. I had a lot of stuff that needed to get done so I sprang from my bed with a glad cry (well, that’s a slight exaggeration but I’ve always loved that expression from P. G. Wodehouse) and hit the streets running. It was still dark and we encountered no cars for most of the duration of the run, so we didn’t have to breathe in exhaust fumes. There were no other people or dogs about, so Major was not obliged to try to pull my arms out of their sockets to express his disdain for his compatriots. I was showered and dressed by the time the kids got up, and had breakfast after they left. I then had time to do a 3-minute real estate narration for a client and take my car to be inspected – I was the second customer to arrive and the short wait gave me time to finish reading the story that had been assigned for Spanish class (since I had spent several hours yesterday writing the essay due in that class today and working on my report on the geography, climate and natural history of the Southern Cone region of South America that’s due next week – tried to read the story last night and ended up asleep). At least 4 other customers were awaiting auto inspections behind me, so I got there in the nick of time. That errand was complete by 9:40, which gave me enough time to return a call from a client to set up a voiceover recording session for Monday (for which I get to go to a new studio, in the Berkshires – hooray!) and get to Spanish class by 10 am.

When I get an early start to my day and get a significant amount accomplished before the sun is high in the sky, I feel exuberant – there is nothing like it! So this will be my new routine (I hope! and I need to work on that important voice-over exercise - the glad cry - as well). And now if you will excuse me – the rest of the day awaits!

My running partner

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Blogger Peter O'Connell said...

Having owned only one dog in my life, also a german shepard as Major looks to be, you'll have no finer running partner or friend than that majestic animal.

Also, fill me in on that early AM running routine round about mid-January ;)

I have a routine too: AM- lazy, PM- lazy....I'm very good at it

Best always,
- Peter

1:27 PM  
Blogger MCM Voices said...

Peter, I did not realise that hyperactivity was the new lazy! Hah! You are my Routine Role Model. And yes, Major is the best. If I miss a run he heckles me with his "Timmy is drowning!" routine so that helps me stay on track (until the first ice storm anyway!).

Thanks for stopping by!

3:05 PM  

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